Sunday, May 26, 2013

Why I Created This Blog

I fell in the shower several years ago, and messed up the ligaments in my left knee.  As a result, my knee is very weak, and although I can stand, walk, and climb a few stairs, I cannot do any of these these for more than a few minutes at a time.  For long distance walking, I must use a wheelchair.

I've lived in the Chattanooga area my entire life, but haven't visited some of the newer attractions.  This year for vacation, my husband and I have decided to spend some time exploring things around town.  However, I've been unable to find very much information about wheelchair accessibility online, resulting in many, many e-mails to the various attractions to try to determine which ones I'm able to do.

I wanted to post this information in order to try to help out other folks who may be in similar circumstances, and to post my personal experiences as we visit the various attractions.  I hope this blog is beneficial, and that my fellow wheelchair travelers find it useful.

Feel free to post comments about your own experiences.

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